why do we keep making the same mistakes, over and over again?
Cloud Atlas brings up that very same question. Plus, it just looks really awesome. check it out: http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/wb/cloudatlas/
Cloud Atlas brings up that very same question. Plus, it just looks really awesome. check it out: http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/wb/cloudatlas/
deja vu- The phenomenon of feeling that an experience or event, has happened before. This mood of mine has happened before. Same reason. Pretty simple: Humans can be selfish lil assholes.
humans. as much as we would like to view ourselves as rational agents, we are still primarily driven by our animal instincts. fear of death. need for food. desire for sex. it's often easy for me to be critical of people (checking facebook too often and with the coming election) but i continue to believe... i have to believe that there is more good than bad and that people aren't entirely selfish.
humans. as much as we would like to view ourselves as rational agents, we are still primarily driven by our animal instincts. fear of death. need for food. desire for sex. it's often easy for me to be critical of people (checking facebook too often and with the coming election) but i continue to believe... i have to believe that there is more good than bad and that people aren't entirely selfish.
Due to a culmination of things, I've been especially pessimistic. Is mankind worth saving? type of bullshit. I hate to admit it but I need this oscillation between pessimism and optimism. It keeps me balanced and ultimately will make my book feel more real. There are enough depressing books out there as much as there are happily ever afters. a good story reflects real life which always has good, bad and my personal favorite, shades of grey (and yes, i read the first book- meh).
A quick and interesting read, Jonah Lehrer's Imagine, discusses the recent research on creativity. He comments that, "One of the surprising things that's emerged from the study of moods in recent moods is that putting them in a bad mood — making them a little bit sad or melancholy — comes with some cognitive benefits." Which really... when you think about it... research recently behind Lehrer's comment, isn't all that surprising. Think of famous artists, writers and musicians who have made some of their best stuff when they were emotionally at their worst. Assuming you're not so depressed you can't get out of bed in the morning, why is it that man is more creative when melancholy? Why doesn't happiness facilitate creativity?!
Perhaps happiness brings too much contentment and not desire to incite change. Most of the friendliest people i've met haven't been all that bright and the more intelligent people i've met tend to be more cynical. Discontentment brings the desire to make things better- whether through art, science or social means. Only problem is when sorrow is too much and one gives up hope on the world.
I hope to find that happy place between contentment and despair. First things first, i need to get my diet back on track- no more gluten beers and indulging in dairy. There's only so much will power can do when the body is out of balance. I need to be happy enough to function and enjoy the simple pleasures in life but NOT content with how things are. things can always be better. Instead of losing hope for how things are, i need to regain the passion for change, and believe in the hope that things can be better. after all, change is the only constant.
“Too much sanity may be madness — and maddest of all: to see life as it is, and not as it should be!”
-Man of La Mancha